Posted: 21 Dec '14

MI Safety Answers 5 Common Questions about GHS

What is GHS? That is the most common questions that individuals ask when learning about the Globally Harmonized System of Classifying and Labelling Chemicals (GHS). As its expanded name explains, GHS is a universal safety data sheet that makes the classifying and labelling of hazardous products easy to understand for people across the globe, even if they read in a different language or are illiterate.

Right now, the Canadian government is working to update the Workplace Hazard Material Information System (WHMIS) to meet GHS regulations by 2015. Because it is so new, most people don’t know much about GHS which is why MI Safety is answering 5 commonly asked questions regarding it.

1.Who Will GHS Affect?

GHS will affect people all across the world who work with chemicals including transport workers, emergency responders, and label developers. In Canada, these workers already abide by WHMIS which will be updated and reflected in MI Safety’s safety training. Edmonton residents can sign up for any of MI Safety’s courses by visiting their website.

2.Are All Chemicals Covered by GHS?

Only chemicals that are deemed to be hazardous by the GHS are covered. Although the term is a broad one, “chemical” is an umbrella term for all kinds of substances, mixtures, and products.

3.How Will GHS Affect Countries Without Pre-Existing Regulations?

Countries that do not have any prior regulations are expected to learn and adopt the GHS to prevent workplace risks.

4.What Are the Elements to GHS Labelling?

GHS labelling consists of 3 standardized elements: symbols/imagery, words of warning, and hazard statements.

5.Does GHS Require Any Training?

Chapter 1.4, Section 1.4.9 of the GHS it outlines that all workers exposed to chemicals in the workplace are properly trained to understand the new labelling system. Once changes to WHMIS are made, MI Safety will be offering GHS safety training.

Edmonton resident who would like to learn more about the GHS or MI Safety’s training courses can call 780-987-3465.

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