Posted: 19 Dec '16
Keep Christmas Bright
The Christmas season can be such a beautiful time of giving, family and kindness. Unfortunately, it can also be a time for accidents, injuries and even deaths. Let's all take some time to focus on safety to get us through the holidays.
As we move through December our work schedules and personal lives can get so busy. We're trying to wrap up year end work, attend all the social functions and organize our own family plans. We may head into the occasional day with lack of sleep or maybe even a hang-over from the night before. This can all result in a distracted mind. When you're in the middle of something and find your mind wandering, take four seconds to pause, look around and refocus on the task at hand. If you find yourself continually distracted ask yourself if you can/should deal with what is distracting you before resuming your current task.Shovelling. Lovely, abundant shovelling. Some of us may not be in our best shovelling shape. Take breaks and shovel smaller sections so you're not having to lift or throw large amounts over long distances. You can help yourself out by taking our
Preventing Back Injury course online. You sit down to your bag lunch and then discover some lovely co-worker has brought in delicious left-overs from the night before to share with everyone. You fill your plate and enjoy your meal. The next thing you know you're suffering from the worst ever case of food poisoning. You're decorating the tree with your family and someone drops an ornament, shattering it. While cleaning it up you cut yourself on the sharp edges. The weather finally clears so you send the kids outside to wear off some pent up energy. Sadly, one comes back with frostbite. Our
Red Cross First Aid course will prepare you for these seasonal mishaps.The Christmas season is one of the busiest times for fire departments. To prevent your holiday from going up in smoke:
- use lights for their intended purpose, using indoor lights indoors and vice versa
- check your smoke alarms and C02 detectors
- if you choose a live tree, trim the trunk at an angle and ensure it is watered daily
- turn off lights when going to bed or leaving the house and ensure you never leave candles unattended
- ensure all power cords are in good shape and free of cuts and frays. Do not overload power outlets
Have a multi-purpose fire extinguisher readily available and ensure your whole family knows how to use it. Everyone can sit down for some popcorn and one of our online
Fire Extinguisher courses.
For some, the Christmas season is one of the most difficult seasons. Be alert to those that may need additional support, whether it's an invitation to a get together, a hamper of food or time to talk. If you, or someone you know is suicidal call 911 for immediate assistance. For additional information you can look into the
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. The website has information for coping with loss, understanding and listings of crisis centres by province.
Edmonton area distress line 780-482-HELP.
Southern Alberta 211 on your cell phone to access information and referral services
Southern Alberta 1-800-SUICIDE