Posted: 5 Jan '16

Preparedness is Key – First Aid Supplies Every Business Needs

A fall from a ladder, burns, skin contact with chemicals, or deep cuts and abrasions – all of these are hazards of various jobs. While some injuries may be minor, others can cause great pain, debilitating consequences, even death. As a business owner or manager your employees and your bottom line are best protected with Safety training in Edmonton.

No one wants to think about being injured, especially on the job. The reality is that it happens. The statistics for workplace deaths and injuries reveal that nearly one-thousand people died in 2012, that's up from about 460 just a decade earlier. Most injuries occur in the health, manufacturing, and construction industries. If you've been proactive and supplied safety training in Edmonton for your workers, you need to also ensure that you have the necessary first- aid supplies on hand.

Have These Items On-Hand to Keep Your Workers Safe

There is specialized equipment that is required for certain industries and employers should be aware of what's needed. Employees will learn the proper use of such equipment in safety training classes. But for the vast majority of companies, basic first aid supplies are fairly straight-forward items that you may already have. The Red Cross of Canada recommends that any home or business have the following items on hand:

  • Phone numbers for emergency services and poison control
  • Sterile gauze pads in various sizes
  • Adhesive tape
  • Roller and triangular bandages for wounds or to make slings
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Instant ice packs
  • Disposable non-latex gloves
  • Flashlight
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Eye patches
  • Blanket
  • Thermometer
  • Mask or face shield
  • Canadian Red Cross first aid manual

Get First Aid & Safety Training in Edmonton

Keeping these items on hand reduces the risk that a simple injury could become a more serious issue. Make certain that your employees know where these items are located and how to administer assistance as well as when to call for emergency care. First aid and safety training in Edmonton not only covers the various hazards, but also how to handle a variety of injury situations. But all the know-how won't be of much help if the proper supplies aren't on hand.

Common sense should lead employers and managers to offer safety training in Edmonton and to stock first aid supplies. But there are also government regulations regarding the issue. The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires employers to “protect the health and safety of workers performing work for them.... and ensuring that first aid services, equipment, and supplies are available at the work site.” Don't short-change your employees or put your business at risk.

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Canadian Society of Engineering Safety Alberta Construction Safety Association Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance