Posted: 12 Aug '14

MI Safety Answers the Question: “What is OSSA Confined Space Entry and Monitor Training?”

We often get the question, “What is OSSA confined Space Entry and Monitor Training” and “How does it vary from Confined Space Entry and Rescue training?”.

Generally speaking, the knowledge taught in the course is not much different. Essentially “OSSA” means that the course is approved by the Oil Sands Safety Association. All workers entering site in and around Fort McMurray for one of the Member Companies Such as CNRL, Albian Sands, Syncrude and Suncor, must have the approval if they are entering a confined space on site and appropriate confined space training. The technical information and legislation information taught is essentially the same information in either course. The OSSA course has specific work practice information required for working on the OSSA member sites.

If a worker takes the non OSSA course, they are learning the same information regarding legislation, and technical information, however the practices and procedures information learned would typically be generic. If the course was provided for a specific client, the information generally would be customized to the customer, and company specific information would be inserted.

Many companies choose to take the OSSA accredited version, even if they do not do work on OSSA members sites, as the Oil Sands Safety Association has a very stringent process for evaluating and auditing those companies that they accredit. Additionally, they have the Monitor training included into the course. If you are not using an accredited course, you must check to verify if Monitor training is included. Rescue training is not included in Oil Sands version of the course, however many non-accredited courses include rescue components. Typically this is not covered as member sites provide site specific rescue teams. Rescue training typically includes an overview of hazard assessment for rescue, rescue planning, rescue equipment, and then a component that includes hands on rescue drills, with live rescues and standard CPR training. We offer this course each week at MI Safety Inc. Other courses offered from MI Safety all include both theoretical in-classes, as well as, a practical hands-on classes that cover a broad range of health and safety training courses, from confined space training and fall protection training to CPR training.

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Canadian Society of Engineering Safety Alberta Construction Safety Association Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance