Posted: 26 Apr '16
Whether you are an employer or an employee, fall protection and the appropriate training are nothing to be taken lightly. In fact, if there is potential for a fall of three meters or more, or special circumstances that could make a shorter fall potentially damaging, the law in Alberta mandates fall protection training. Believing it's optional or putting off getting the appropriate training can not only result in heavy fines being levied, it can also destroy lives.
Earlier this year, an Alberta employer, Needoba Construction Ltd.,was handed down an unprecedented judgment for failing to comply with Part 9 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, pertaining to fall protection and the appropriate training. A worker fell through an unprotected stairwell, without any fall protection in place and suffered paralytic injuries. The corporation was fined $11,150 and ordered to perform 200 hours of community service. In addition to that, the company was placed under probation for a period of 18 months. The injured employee now faces a lifetime of paralysis.
As an employer, ensuring your employees are properly trained in the proper use of fall protection is key to keeping them safe and protecting the good name of your business. For employees, understanding how to utilize the equipment required for fall protection as well as safety procedures will provide you the confidence to carry out your job duties knowing you are protected from a devastating fall.
Having the appropriate equipment in place and making use of personal fall protection systems are not an effective and useful safety plan without the proper training to go along with it. Employees need to know how to inspect the equipment and wear it properly as well as have the ability to identify attachment points to avoid accidents due to a lack of training. Understanding how to implement fall protection planning and having access to instructions written in the appropriate language are all part of a comprehensive plan.
As an employer, you can determine the best training format for your working conditions. To make sure that all of requirements by OSSA are met, contact us at MI Safety to schedule your fall protection training. With a comprehensive eight hour course, you can ensure your workers are well trained in fall protection and provide them with safety and yourself with peace of mind.