Posted: 22 Mar '16

Beware, Be Careful: Enform H2S Alive Training

Enform H2S Alive Training Course Available from MI Saftey in Edmonton & Devon
Proper education and training, such as the Enform H2S Alive course, is critical when it comes to preventing H2S exposure, also known as sour gas poisoning. Sour gas is natural gas, associated gas, or any other gas containing high amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). H2S was the cause of nine deaths from 2010 to 2014, and made national headlines after the death of a southeast Saskatchewan oil worker that was linked to the deadly gas.

All of the workers’ deaths occurred after the workers had inhaled petroleum hydrocarbons. Five of the workers were exposed to the H2S while collecting samples, and four of the workers inhaled H2S during manual tank gauging.

Knowing the Signs

Exposure to hydrogen sulfide can cause the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of balance
  • Irritation of the eyes, nose, of throat

An offensive odor is usually the first sign of fugitive emissions containing H2S gas. Fugitive emissions are very small volumes of associated gas released through valves, pipes, connections between pipes, tanks, meters, or any other connection. These emissions could lead to the release of small amounts of methane gas, which may contain hydrogen sulfide.

Reduce the Risk

NIOSH has issued the following guidelines for reducing the risk of fatalities due to H2S exposure:

  • Conduct an Exposure and Hazard Assessment on each work site.
  • Ensure employees are trained correctly and consistently on the use of calibrated multi-gas monitors, and what actions to take whenever an alarm sounds.
  • Establish administrative controls as an interim measure, or in situations where remote gauging isn’t possible.
  • If remote gauging isn’t feasible, workers may require respiratory protection. This protection may include a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
  • Educate workers on the hazards associated with gauging tanks.
  • Have an emergency plan in place to provide prompt medical response if an incident occurs.
  • If possible, use alternative tank gauging procedures that allow employees to check tank fluid levels remotely.

Enform H2S Alive is an 8-hour course that MI Safety offers, which is standard course for most professions in the oil and gas industry. Certified by Enform, H2S Alive is designed to raise awareness of the hazards of working in an environment that has been exposed to H2S. H2S Alive ensures your workers are equipped with the basic knowledge and skills needed to protect themselves from hydrogen sulfide.

Enroll your employees in the course with MI Safety today by contacting us.

Regular hours MONDAY–FRIDAY
Canadian Society of Engineering Safety Alberta Construction Safety Association Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance Canadian Safety Standards Training Alliance